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Vaishnavi Maternity Homes, Started on 15 August 2007 by Dr. Ashwin Kakkar, Dr. Ashwin Kakkar Passed his MD (obst and ginaec) from kem hospital in 2003 and since then has been practicing in Kalyan.


  • Affordable Healthcare & Availability
  • Reach out maternity service for all classes
  • To reduce overall caserean rate

Our Achievements

  • We conduct around 2000 deliveries per month
  • Overall caseran rate is around 30%.
  • Primary Cocercan rate is below 20%.
  • We are the largest monthly maternity home in the district and also conduct the maximum number of deliveries in the entire state.


  • Vaishnavi is a 36 bedded maternity home with two operation theaters and two labour labs.
  • Entire Hospital including general ward, is air conditioned.
  • 24 hours anacsthesist, pacdriahciar and ginaclologist available.


  • It is generally very crowded.
  • Dr. Kakkar is very streect and some people find him rude.
  • We are not dealing with advanced infertility services.
  • Sir may not be able to give sufficient time in open if you are ever not satisfied, plese be free to ask him.

Service Offered

  • Maternity.
  • Gyanaec.
  • MS7 and Ultrasound.
  • Basic Infertility Treatment.
  • Laproscopic Surgery .
  • Famility Planning.


  • Dr. Ashwin Kakkar
  • Dr. Prakash Deshmokh (Anecsthetics)
  • Dr Hamna Kant (Surgeon)
  • Dr. Chetna Deshmokh (Annecsthetcs)
  • Dr. Mohan Kumar (lap surgeon)
  • Dr. Amol Pawar (Consultant Gynac)
  • Dr. Anant Kakkar (Pacdriaticin)